Platform Swings
Platform Forced Movement Swings
Load to Launch
Lower Half
With the control of your back hip, begin to move forward into an strong athletic hitting position with your feet outside of your shoulders and some flexion in your front knee at foot strike.
Upper Half
Begin gaining ground with your hands and front foot equally opposite moving at the same rate. When foot strike occurs, your hands will stop moving equally opposite of your front foot and be ready to fire from launch position. The coil is created by creating the feeling of connecting your back shoulder scap muscle to your spine at the same time that your front foot is moving forward. This is how you create sufficient hip/shoulder separation. Taking your scap to your spine allows you to create maximum hip shoulder separation without impacting the direction of your body forward. Without this movement, you would have to turn your front shoulder in, too far, and this would cause issues later in your sequenced chain of events.
Think about moving forward while creating the feeling of staying back.